Women's Basketball - Ohio Valley (2020-2021)

Conf. RPI Rank: 17    Conf. SOS Rank: 16
Overall Recard: 142-149    Non-Conf Record: 19-26

Only games against Division I opponents are counted.
Teams that made the tournament are in bold
This page updates multiple times daily.
Last updated - Thu Mar 11 13:59:08 PST 2021

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RPI Rk Ohio Valley Conf All RPI SOS Rk SOS

East Division
28 Tenn-Martin 19-3  20-5 0.5972 100  0.5207
Up 3 From Last Week +353 Belmont 17-3  20-5 0.5706 171  0.4952
135 Jacksonville St. 12-8  15-9 0.5159 229  0.4761
Down 1 From Last Week -1138 Tennessee Tech 13-9  15-10 0.5145 208  0.4824
Down 1 From Last Week -1175 E. Kentucky 8-12  9-15 0.4891 112  0.5171
Down 1 From Last Week -1250 Morehead St. 6-13  6-16 0.4430 140  0.5057
Down 1 From Last Week -1336 Tennessee St. 0-20  0-22 0.3583 221  0.4777

West Division
Down 2 From Last Week -2132 Murray St. 13-9  16-11 0.5176 195  0.4865
Down 2 From Last Week -2173 SE Missouri St. 13-8  14-11 0.4902 236  0.4747
Down 6 From Last Week -6193 Austin Peay 10-9  11-11 0.4834 235  0.4749
Down 3 From Last Week -3231 Eastern Illinois 9-12  11-15 0.4625 211  0.4805
Up 1 From Last Week +1321 SIU Edwardsville 3-17  5-19 0.3833 301  0.4450

2019-2020 Ohio Valley standings

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