Men's Basketball - Atlantic Sun (2023-2024)

Conf. RPI Rank: 25    Conf. SOS Rank: 25
Overall Recard: 160-224    Non-Conf Record: 111-173

Only games against Division I opponents are counted.
Teams that made the tournament are in bold
This page updates multiple times daily.
Last updated - Mon Aug 26 10:45:01 PDT 2024

View Power Ratings       View Real Time RPIs       Gamer Predictions
RPI Rk Atlantic Sun Conf All RPI SOS Rk SOS
135 Stetson 9-3  19-13 0.5168 230  0.4781
162 Lipscomb 5-4  18-12 0.5053 281  0.4598
258 North Alabama 2-1  13-17 0.4590 289  0.4559
263 Jacksonville 4-10  13-17 0.4563 309  0.4472
268 North Florida 6-5  13-16 0.4530 304  0.4491
281 Kennesaw St. 6-7  12-16 0.4456 316  0.4436
282 Fla Gulf Coast 5-6  11-18 0.4451 270  0.4664
309 S.Car. Upstate 0-1  7-20 0.4271 248  0.4738
202 Austin Peay 0-2  16-16 0.4849 241  0.4748
235 Queens 1-1  12-19 0.4705 184  0.4906
333 Bellarmine 1-2  5-23 0.4037 243  0.4743
344 Central Arkansas 3-6  7-23 0.3882 336  0.4331

East Division
212 E. Kentucky 7-3  14-14 0.4807 242  0.4743

2022-2023 Atlantic Sun standings

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